20 September 2007


Well here it is.

I'm back! It's been a long time since I last posted something worth reading. But then again, it was my vacation. Its been about 2 months since I last posted something about my life. I ended my first season with this blog during my vacation at the Philippines. I apologize for that delay. But since then, there has been an array of changes that has undergone throughout my life, declaring that a new season has yet to begin. Season 2. Where on Earth was I thinking that I should break this blog into seasons? It's not exactly a show on tv, yet I believe that this is the start of something new.

First off, let me throw you a little pitch of what my life is about.

I'm a 22 year old college student who recently moved to San Diego, CA with my boyfriend JAYBIO. I premiered this blog around April of this year and since then, my life has been more of a reality-show website. I enjoy many cultures of life, especially celebrity news and gossip. I enjoy posting random and sometimes explicit pictures of many popular celebrities who I admire for beauty, fashion, sex appeal, or even just a dramatic shot. I am a dedicated Britney Spears fan, yet I'm still trying to figure out about her true self as, I'm sure, we're all trying to do. I also like to travel and experience as many restauants and eateries as much as possible, especially with Jaybe. Since our recent move to San Diego is still undergoing observation, expect many surprises. This is going to be an interesting transition since I will have to adjust from our normal "Hollywood Lifestyle" to the "Sunny Dee of SD"


e said...

Nice miss you and Britney also

Anonymous said...

hmm wen are we gonna hang out agen lol.... haha so hows the living in sd.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Check-out my insane, efficacious trilogy:

--> stores.lulu.com/fido <--

I'll see you in the Great Beyond, won't I?

-Samurai Shampoo

Winter said...


chase / chubz said...

welcome back!!
nice to hear from u agen. hehehe