17 June 2007


For those who want to continue to follow the story of JBX [jaybe and ollie], check out what JAYBIO had to say. He briefly went over on how me and him met for the first time.

I swear, there was a tid bit of a tear that dropped down my eye as I read it. Good Times!

For those of you who are [or were into a special relationship], please comment me on how you met and why that moment was special. I want to learn how LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT works out around the world.



Other than that, my MYSPACE page is practically ready to have it's premiere. I just need to add a few stuff and wala! So be ready for a new paloooza to check out. I'll be posting it's link sometime this week. Thanks to Jaybe for totally busting out his creative side and helping me out with this. I swear, my life would be B-O-R-I-N-G without him.


Anonymous said...

I have a new blog hope you can link it dont worry i will add you as soon as i can!!!


chase / chubz said...

wow. its nice to see your pictures.
i wished i could also post picture of me and my special someone..
but its kinda complicated.

how we started not that romantic or special..
maybe i'll post an entry about that in my blog. hmmm..

nice blog you got..
linked you!