30 May 2007

New News is Good News

Today was an adventure. Me, Jaybe, and The Deuce headed down to San Diego again to take care of some business. Jaybe had to take an entrance exam for his school that he's planning on attending in the Fall. Since the test was two hours long, me and my bro ended up driving around the area. We routed ourselves to the Mission Valley Mall. The mall wasn't really that great. I mean, I remember going there like a year ago and all we bought were pretzels. But yeah, we ended up in the SUNGLASS HUT and we both tried on sunglasses. I loved these two PRADA SUNGLASSES! They fit me beautifully for once! lolz. Here's what they look like:

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I was heading more towards the first one, what ya think?

Afterwards, we headed to the NORDSTROM RACK where I found these two contemporary/modern black wooden chairs that would go perfect for mine and Jaybe's apartment were planning on moving into this Fall.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket We've been talking a lot of what type of interior design were heading for and can't wait until we actually start buying everything. It's exciting! Now we know how TIGGAH AND POOH feel about thier new home. We also headed to BED, BATH, and BEYOND and found so many cute little things like shower curtains, rugs, and bedsheets that could help incorporate our design and ideas.

Anyway, we headed back to Jaybe's school and heard some good news. Turns out, Jaybe placed really high in his scores. He placed at the 93rd percentile overall, having 100% score on math. He's always been a math boy and I'm so proud to be with someone so smart on that subject. He's a big helper when it comes to our bill in high-end restaurants since he knows whats a good amount to put in. But yeah, Good Job Boo!!

We ended up having a good lunch with our close friend Nadine and her boyfriend Ian at the FASHION VALLEY MALL. Now that mall was more of our familiarity since it had high end stores. Loved it! We ended up eating at CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN which is a great place for a lunch! We got to know more about Ian since this was like the actual first time getting to know more about him at a personal level. Since he's from Chicago, our conversations were interesting ranging from difference in accents between LA and Chicago, to weather, to schools, etc. After lunch, we departed our ways and me and the boys headed to more apartment viewing.

I never realized how traffic the 15 HWY could be. I even missed an exit and got ourselves lost. San Diego could be a real complicated city to drive in, which is totally ironic coming from an LA boy. Anyway, the drive back home was tiring, only because I was exhausted from going to point A to point B to C D E F! lolz I swear, we drove a circle throughout San Diego today! But it was good because we got more familiar with more areas that we never knew existed!


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Other news, is good news. I got a new job today! Well, its actually a temp job since I'll be heading to the Philippines in a month. The pay is great and it is full time. So we'll see how this goes. I actually start tomorrow from 8 to 4:30 in the early evening. This could be good because I'm planning on using this money to pay off more of my credit card bills and save for more apartment "stuff." Perfect timing, I guess. But for sure, I'll be posting more about this job in the next few days. Yikes!



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Showing some from the TREO.


khalel said...


Anonymous said...

thanx for visiting my site. parents our precious but most of the times, we just take them for granted until its too late. do greet you father on his birthday. get to know him and say the things that you would want to tell him.

by the way, congrats on your new job.

khalel said...

you are nominated for the G* Spot Weblog Award for the month of June!


You can claim your finalist button at the right side bar of this site

Good Luck!

Ahuh said...

i love the shades can i have one hehehe just kidding the photo is kinda porn for me but it is so nice love it hope to see more than that hehehe